Escaping Special Characters in JMeter for JSON Requests

Yashwant Raju
1 min readSep 2, 2024


As performance engineers, we’ve all encountered scenarios where special characters in JSON request bodies can wreak havoc on our JMeter scripts. Whether it’s quotes, backslashes, or other special characters, these can lead to errors or incorrect data being sent in requests. Luckily, JMeter provides a straightforward way to handle this issue using the JSONValue.escape method.

The Problem

Let's say you have a description field in your JSON request that might contain special characters, like this:

"description": "This is a test description with special characters:
\"quotes\", \\backslashes\\, and more."

The Solution: Using JSONValue.escape

To implement this in JMeter, you can use a small Groovy script within a JSR223 PreProcessor. By leveraging the JSONValue.escape() method from the net.minidev.json package, you can efficiently escape any problematic characters in your parameters, ensuring that your JSON requests are correctly formatted and error-free.

import net.minidev.json.JSONValue; 

// Get the parameter value or Correlation Value
String text_Desc = vars.get("p_Desc");

// Escape special characters using JSONValue.escape
String escapedText_Desc = JSONValue.escape(text_Desc);

// Update the parameter with the escaped value
vars.put("p_Desc", escapedText_Desc);

A simple fix, but one that makes all the difference. So, the next time you’re tweaking your JMeter scripts, remember this handy trick.




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